Housing priority
By law, we must give 'reasonable preference' to certain groups. We must give priority to:
- people who are homeless or threatened with homelessness through no fault of their own and have unmet housing needs
- social housing tenants who are under occupying their home
- people who are living in unsatisfactory housing conditions and have unmet housing needs.
We consider people to have unmet housing needs if they have housing needs which cannot be met by other housing options available. For example, an applicant with disabilities whose housing needs can only be met in social housing because it is not possible to make essential adaptations to their current home and there is no other suitable housing available in the area. If you are an owner occupier, we will consider any equity you have in your home and whether you can reasoably buy another property to meet your needs.
If you fall into the above 'reasonable preference' groups, we will confirm your needs by completing a housing options assessment with you.